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The goal of this study is to provide a cross-lagged examination of the relationships between engaging leadership, job resources and employee work engagement. We propose a mediation model and we postulate that engaging leadership can increase perceptions of three specific job resources (i.e. autonomy, support from colleagues and opportunities for learning and development) which theoretically correspond to the three facets of engaging leadership (i.e., inspiring, connecting and strengthening, respectively). Subsequently, in keeping with the extant body of Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) research, we link job resources to employee work engagement. Our hypotheses were tested on data collected at two time-points – T1 (N = 759) and T2 (N = 273) –from employees working for a hotel chain in the Netherlands. In line with our expectations, engaging leadership showed a significant cross-lagged relationship with autonomy and support from colleagues, but did not predict learning opportunities and work engagement across time. While we formulated specific hypotheses, we also tested reversed causation relationships. We found no direct effect from engaging leadership on employee work engagement, however, the reversed effect was significant; employee perceptions of engaging leadership were shaped by their own engagement experiences. Importantly, engaged employees at T1 reported more job resources at T2. By providing a cross-lagged examination of our model, we showed that engaging leaders as well as employees’ positive affective state of being engaged, are essential to shaping a resourceful work context. A comprehensive view on the triggers and outcomes of work engagement and engaging leadership is needed, as the traditional unidirectional cause-effect rationale fails to explain how these concepts relate to one another and to employee experiences of job resources.  相似文献   
The commander was mainlu in charge of the army in the local administration system during the Han Dynasty to the Sunwu Period. As the border prefectures were important in military defense, the armies of these prefectures were commonly divided into parts. Therefore, the army of Kuaiji Prefecture were divided into West Section Duwei, East Section Duwei and South Section Duwei. The West and East Section Duweis were founded for the purpose of suppressing the adherents of Yuyue as well as the Minyue and Ouyue people in the southeast coastline. In demand of securing the safety of the ship routes alongside the southeast coastline, the East Section Duwei migrated frequently within the area. In the meantime, the foundation of South Section Duwei was the result of the Sunwu government suppressing the local force and pillaging the labor resources in a partition background  相似文献   
三国时期 ,曹魏控制西北 ,蜀汉占据西南 ,两国主要在西部地区争战 ,粮草供给成为决定胜负的关键因素 ,为此双方都采取了恢复和发展粮食生产的措施。曹魏在西部一些适宜农业的战略要地大兴屯田 ,开发关陇、稳定河西 ,每年收获大量谷物供给军粮 ,以守为攻 ,迎战蜀军 ;蜀汉占据西南之后 ,诸葛亮注意处理好民族关系 ,发挥当地的农业资源优势 ,劝农积谷。为了解决北伐运粮的困难 ,还在汉中及渭水南岸一些地区设置少量屯田。不同的农业开发措施与双方的治乱胜败有很大关系。  相似文献   
张涵从接受美学、社会学、系统论和美的生成说的角度 ,把艺术看成一个系统、一个历史过程 ,从艺术创造、艺术作品、艺术欣赏的有机联系中考察艺术的本质 ,从而得出审美特性为艺术的本质属性的结论。这一结论无论从艺术原理看 ,还是从艺术实践看 ,都显示出较大的合理性  相似文献   
南宋理学家对 王安石新学的批判,主要表现在二方面:一是斥新学为异端邪说,藉以标榜理学为继孔孟绝 学的正统,二是把新学作为变乱祖宗法度而致北宋亡国的理论根源,予以无情打击。陆九渊 对王安石个人的政治操守和治国理想给以赞誉,但对王安石新学亦持批评态度。理学家批 判新学对南宋社会发展造成了不良影响,这就是在“法祖”的旗帜下,使南宋社会上上下下 因循守旧、政治上保守主义日益弥漫,并且直接影响了元明清对王安石新学及新法的评价。  相似文献   
契丹诗歌留存不多,但其中蕴涵的文化信息却十分丰富。契丹诗歌的演进过程,就是契丹民族汉化进程的形象展现。通过对这个过程的分析研究,揭示出契丹民族的习俗由“无礼顽器”到文质彬彬;思维模式由简单平直到二元对立;情感由简单粗放到委婉细腻;思想意识由原始状态到汉民族多种哲学相互融合。  相似文献   
历来人们认为 ,关汉卿的作品是对被压迫者的生活及斗争的反映 ,这种说法实际上也许既不客观也不全面。通过对关汉卿作品中人物的行为及与人物相关的时代进行具体的分析 ,可以发现关汉卿的作品更多的是对人的价值的评判 ,是对理想人物的塑造而不是对现实人的反映 ,关汉卿演义出的时代理想人物的精神是斗争 ,素质是智慧。  相似文献   
“名物量词”在各种语言中的产生、发展规律不尽一致。因此 ,透过“名物量词”探查两种语言的源流 ,不失为一条可行的途径。从苗汉两种语言量词的统计材料中 ,可以看到两种语言量词的兴起和发展过程。湘西苗语的量词与同时代汉语的量词相比 ,在数量上没有汉语的多 ,在范围上没有汉语的宽。各个历史时期 ,湘西苗语都从汉语借用一批词语 ,相应的汉语量词就跟着进入苗语了。从量词的起源和发展来看 ,苗语深受汉语的影响 ,但是很难说苗汉两种语言出于同一母语。  相似文献   
个体性生命焦虑是西汉赋家比较浓郁的生命意识。它较集中地体现于骚体赋和拟骚赋中。可以说,西汉赋家继承先秦时代的人文精神,并结合新时代对士人话语自由及人格自由的限制与剥夺,将屈原的楚骚精神进一步发扬光大,对后世文学关注生命具有深远影响。  相似文献   
汉代荒政已初步形成一个较为完备的体系。汉政府在救荒实践中 ,往往能从战略高度出发 ,在灾前、灾时和灾后采取了一系列形式多样、内容丰富的备荒、救荒的策略措施。本文从文献资料出发 ,对汉代的救荒对策作了较为细致的总结和分析。这些措施在抗灾、救灾中发挥了积极作用 ,同时它对于今天预防灾害也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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